Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bringing in the Harvest

Bringing in the Harvest

The principle of the harvest is sure.  In 'Seedtime & Harvest' I'd recounted the scripture God gave to Noah as they left the ark that had been their refuge throughout the flood; seedtime and harvest will not fail as long as time remains.  God always keeps His promises and His Word is true.  You can count on it!

The process of reaping the harvest is one involving personal effort, hard labor, focus, and timing.  The harvest one takes in will be determined by the seed that was sown.  One can’t plant tomatoes and reap watermelons.  One doesn’t plant corn and harvest carrots.  What we sow, we reap – Principle 1.

My dad has often told the story of how he and my uncles were told by my grandfather that they could play once they’d completed sowing the cotton seed  he’d purchased to plant.  As it happened, someone decided that skipping ahead to playing was more important than how the seed was sown.  Instead of evenly spaced seeds in properly placed rows, the bulk of the seed was dumped into the earth and covered.  Job done, let’s play!  The result was discovered when the cotton plants burst from the ground and the boys reaped what they sowed.  How we sow is as important as what we sow.  Principle 2 – how you sow matters. 

This month, let’s endeavor to seek God’s direction for our sowing as well as our reaping.  Are you sowing seed prayerfully, tenderly, evenly, consistently?  Do you stop to consider what ‘moves you to buy’?  Jesus’ manner with people was one of care and concern to the needy, as well as sharp rebuke and criticism for the religious who saw themselves beyond need.

Psalm 126:5-6 sums it up best:  They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

Seedtime & Harvest

Seasons and Change

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and
harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and
winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Genesis 8:22

Seasons.  They come.  They go.  They change. 
Some are more enjoyable to us than others,
depending on our point of view.  Some prefer
the Winter’s blanket of snow, ice, and the crisp,
cold air.  Some prefer Spring with the new
grass, buds, leaves, and birds.  Some prefer the
glories of Summer, sun, flowers, and
landscaping.  Other prefer the crispness of
Autumn with its riot of colors as the leaves turn
and reaping the rewards of the harvest.

As long as the earth remains, God promised the
seasons will continue.  They will not end.  They
may change and contain many variables, but
they will continue.

That means, just as you take the time to
prepare to sow seeds in this life, you approach
the time of harvest, with equal expectation.

What’s unique about the harvest is that you
can see what you’re working with and watch
the change.

We plant seeds of hope in the lives of those we
love daily.  We anticipate the rewards of what’s
been planted, yet we keep working; planting,
watering, weeding, feeding, waiting... expecting
the time of harvest. 

So, understand this – things and seasons will change.  Yet each plays a part in the leading towards the time of reaping.  The harvest.  The collection of the rewards of the labor.

Keep planting, working, waiting, watching!  There will be a harvest.  Expect it!  Look for it!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6th, 1980

September 6, 1980

On this date, 31 years ago, 
the young man stood next to the young woman
and pledged his eternal love to her  
as she did to him.

I was that young man.

I am no longer young.

Yet, today I stand,
next to that woman
who has repeatedly proven 
that she meant the words she said
and has lived them,
as promised,
for 31 years today.

We've seen better
and worse
We've been richer
and poorer
We've seen sickness
and health
Yet, we're still standing




And convinced that the One
who stood with us that day
stands with us today
and holds us in the palm of His hand
that has never let us go

He has carried us through 
the valley of the shadow of the death
through many dangers, toils, and snares
and has never left our side

We stand.

United in love that will not let us go
holding to a love that we will not let go

I love you, Lisa Carol Jones
and I know you love me

Forever and Always